Monday, September 16, 2024

Kansas City Chiefs Game

We bought Chiefs tickets to the first game of the season. The Baltimore Ravens put up a good fight, but the Chiefs pulled out the WIN!  🏆 There was a rain delay that caused our night to start off a little bit rocky because we were ALLLL crammed into the tunnels, by the concession stands, shoulder to shoulder in the gift shops…it was nuts! I usually don’t get clausterphobic, but I was having to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting with myself. 

Once the game started, it was the perfect night.  The weather was amazing, it was an incredible game, and we had the BEST TIME!!🏈


I’m so thankful we were able to check this off of our family bucket list.  It was so much fun!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

First Day of School

 Well, here we are at the start of a new school year.  I say this every year, but how are my babies in 6th grade and 4th grade. This will be Reese’s last year at Brightfield Middle School, and Brooks’ last year at Evening Star Elementary. I’m having a hard time with that one. Having zero children in elementary school next year chokes me up! 😥

Both kids had a successful Open House, and met their teachers who seem to be great. Reese has Mrs. East as her homeroom teacher, and Brooks has Ms. Rentschler.

Both kids had a wonderful first day of school. I’m so thankful for that. 

Bring on all the adventures of another school year!!!


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Holding Onto The Last Days of Summer

 We’ve been doing all we can do to hold onto the last days of summer around here. It doesn’t seem like it should be over yet. Our neighborhood crew decided to go to Dave and Buster’s one night to celebrate the start of a new school year. (Or maybe we were all just mourning the end of summer 😩) Either way, we thought a night out was needed. 

Brooks went to Little Rock to celebrate Garner’s birthday with his cousins. All 3 boys surprised him. 

The Goode’s came and stayed with us for 3 days right before school started, and we had the BEST time with them. CC came a few days before and I took these girls to get their nails done. 

We took the Goode crew to Silver Dollar City one day.  We were there for 8.5 hours. I think they had a pretty awesome time.