Saturday, March 15, 2025


I truly have mixed feelings about the month of January. While it is a nice slow down after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and Matt’s birthday is the 18th, it still is just so gloomy to me. I don’t mind it getting dark early for a little while, but after about 6 weeks into the year, I am so ready for Spring.

With that being said, we always make the most of the days that God gives us, and this month wasn’t any different.  We enjoyed some fun snow days sledding with neighbors, warming up with hot cocoa, and sitting by the fire. We cheered on the HOGS at a few basketball games. The kids had fun with friends at birthday parties, and we drove to Little Rock to celebrate Evie turning 9! 




It was such a gorgeous day, we decided to eat lunch and then head to the zoo. 

I told Dad to jump in this picture with the goat, his face kills me🤣

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