Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Little Reese

So much is changing for our big girl! I rarely have time to blog anymore, but I find myself never wanting to forget Reese at this age.  She is so full of life right now! Here are some of the things I always want to remember about my beautiful, sweet, sometimes stubborn, and strong willed baby girl....

She loves to play baby dolls - she feeds them bottles, grabs towels from our bathroom to give them baths, wraps them in Brooks' blankets to put them to sleep.  It's all so real to her and I love it. 

She is now sleeping in a toddler bed and doing great!!

We're working on potty training. She's doing good, but I feel like we still have a ways to go. 

"I do it" or "I got it" is one of her favorite things to say. 

She loves to be a helper. "I go get sump in'  comes out of her mouth daily.

She is obsessed with her "no man" pajamas and thankfully we have two pair so Mommy can keep one pair clean. 

She hates when things are, her clothes,'s "yuppy" AKA yucky. (And she comes by this trait honestly, I am the same way ;))

She loves to brush her teeth, wear braids, help cook in the kitchen, and enjoys sitting in our laps to feed Brooks.

She still has an obsession with Ice aka Frozen and we watch that and Mickey All.the.time.

Reese, I love giving you a big hug (or tiny hug) as soon as you wake up in the morning. You get your milk and lay in Mommy and Daddy's bed and watch Mickey until you're ready to jump up and help with something. You have a loving, sweet, and silly spirit that I fall more in love with every day.  As I watch your busy little body run around and play, it melts my heart thinking about how big you are. I am so thankful that God blessed us with you. I always pray for your health, your safety, and that you will always know Him. Don't ever forget how much you are loved, sweet girl!! You're our Reeser!!