Thursday, September 20, 2018

No Back to School Blues for this Crew

Well, when I wrote this, we were 3 weeks into a new school year.  I have to say that we’re adapting pretty well to our new (and early rising) normal.  Reese wakes up excited everyday for Kindergarten (let’s hope this excitement lasts for the next 12 years 😉) and Brooks is loving his new “big kid” class at Pre-school.

Last weekend, we had the three Garner cousins at our house all day Saturday and the kids had a blast.   We took them to lunch at Chick-fil-A, ate ice cream at Andy’s Custard, and then went to the pool for the afternoon.  My kiddos passed out that night!!

Reese started piano this week and will be taking from Carrousel Studio, the same piano studio I took lessons at for 13 years.  It’s a little surreal making the drive down the lane and walking in the door.  I pray that she will love it as much as I do.  

As someone once said, “the days are long, but the years are short.”  I’ve never agreed with something more.  We decided to eat at Tacos 4 Life last night and then go for a family walk in the neighborhood.  The kids were tired from a long day, so we busted out the double BOB. 😊 It reminded me of when they were so little and Matt and I would load them up after baths and they would both fall asleep while we pushed them around the block. Goodness, I miss those sweet days. 

We’re headed to Little Rock this weekend to meet our newest cousin, Garner Jack. I CANNOT wait to snuggle that little nugget.