Friday, March 15, 2013

6 Months Old

Half a year?!?  Seriously?  I absolutely cannot believe that in 6 more months, Reese will be ONE!  She is the most adorable 6 month old baby and we are loving this age.  People always tell me that as children grow older, each age just gets better and better.  I completely believe that!!  You weren't exactly thrilled to be getting your 6 month pics taken, as you are always wanting to be on the floor kicking, rolling, talking or this is the best I could do. ;))



Reese, you are so much fun and smile ALL the time.  You are such a happy baby and people at church always comment on how smiley you are.  Sydney and Latrice, who keep you at Day School tell us you are the most laid back baby in the class.  They laugh at the fact that you just stare at other babies who cry and just spend your day chilling out.  If your personality is going to be more laid back, you DID NOT get that from your Mama.  :)  Here are some of your milestones.
You continue to sit up and you are almost doing it all by yourself. 
You still don't like tummy time and will roll right over to your back if we lay you on your stomach.
The oatmeal is out the window.  We started you on squash on Feb. 23rd.  You really liked it.  However, since we added carrots on March 6 and then sweet potatoes on March 11, you're not caring for squash that much anymore.  I am excited to start trying some green beans/peas next week.  You do very good and eat baby food every night around 5-5:30 before your bath, book, bottle and bed. 

You found your tongue on February 26 and love to play with it.  You mimic me sticking my tongue out (might regret that one later) and it is so cute.

You are also mimicking noises and sounds we make.  You do this a lot when you're on your changing table. 

I am pretty sure we are starting the teething process. This past weekend, you were drooling and gnawing on your hands much more than normal.  I can't see any teeth coming through yet, but your gums are red and seem a little sensitive when I rub Orajel on them. We've used the teething tablets a few times, but what seems to really help you is Tylenol.  We give you some before bed and then another dose before day care each morning. ( I don't really want you to get teeth, I think your gummy smile is the cutest thing in the world).  #mommydoesntwantherbabytogrowup

I continue to go nuts over buying you clothes.  I love to have things monogrammed (so much so, that I am seriously thinking about purchasing a machine - I would save lots of money!)  I told Mimi the other day that I was done shopping for a while...I needed to reign it in.  Only to call her about 2 hours later, asking her to pick up an outfit I had just bought at Bella Jack's - really?!?!  Oh well, it's super cute!!  ;)

We continue to adore you and pray for you daily.  We love you so much, Reese!!! Now, if someone could just slow down time so that it didn't fly by so fast. 


1 comment:

  1. Can you even believe how fast time is flying by?!?! Such sweet smiles! It's just the best. She's so adorable!
