Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summertime Fun!!

Summer... I absolutely love it!! No, I'm not a teacher so I don't get 3 months off, but I do love the laid back, relaxing, more carefree vibe that is in the air when school lets out and kids can run wild.  We're loving this season in our life, with a 2 year old and a one year old. Yes, it's challenging, but we try to soak up every little stage because we know these nuggets grow way too fast. I've captured lots of pictures of our summer and I cannot believe that it's coming to an end.  Next week we'll get back into a routine and our sweet kiddos will be back in MDO 3 days a week.  So thankful for all the time we spent together and all the fun memories of Summer 2015!!

Emma Grace turned 5!!

We celebrated at the Aquatic Center!

Dance Recital 2015 - She tapped to "If You're Happy and You Know It."

So proud of our TINY DANCER :)

Swimming lessons with these Silly's!

We enjoyed a few picnics...

A couple of date nights...

Tavola On the Square

Farmers Market Fun

Pool Days

Almost three...

Ice Cream is this girl's favorite! :))

Breakfast with this guy at The Press Room

Kenny Chesney Concert

Some "homemade pancakes" made by Reese

Fun with AKH

Summertime manicures

...and pedicures! :)

Colbie Calliet concert

GNO with these lovelies

Fun with Friends - Eli's Bday

Splash Park Fun

 Yep! Summer officially wore us out...

But we wouldn't have it any other way!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Amazeum

This week I took off a random Thursday and decided I was spending it with my sweet babies before school starts back in full swing.  We didn't have too much planned, but we started our day with donuts at Krispy Kreme and then went to the new Amazeum in Bentonville. 
I've said it before, but Matt and I feel so blessed to be in NWA where there are so many great things to offer our kiddos.  This place was fabulous and I know Reese thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  Brooks is still a little young, but there were definitely designated areas where he could play.
(It was so great, that I think I know a soon to be 3 year old that is going to have a birthday party there ;)) Thankful for lots of fun memories!


Picking out "meats" at the Supermarket

Making ice cream and sandwiches

Tornado Fun

Playing in the cave

Painting on windows


Writing with water on the walls

B loved the rain

Glad we brought a change of clothes...she was sopping wet!

Driving an 18 wheeler

Making bubbles with Mimi 

Picking apples off the tree

Milking a cow

So thankful for this day with my little people :)