Monday, July 30, 2018

Sweet Summertime

Ahhh... sweet summertime... I don't think I want it to end.  We're having way too much fun. 

Matt and I have been enjoying a few date nights.  We ate seafood at Juicy Tails one night when the kids were at Cousin Camp. 

We went out to eat at the Peddlar's Pub with the Shelby's and Bradley's one night. 

I went to the Janet Jackson concert in July, and loved every single minute of it.


We had another awesome weekend on the lake with our crew!

We went to Tusk and Trotter for dinner on the square the other night and then let the kiddos play on the playground before the storms moved in. 


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Brooks Vaughn... I cannot believe you are four years old.  I know I say this often, but where does the time go?  It seems like we were just celebrating your 2nd birthday.  You are at such a fun age right now.  You love Paw Patrols, PJ Masks, Thomas the Train, all cars that go fast, and dinosaurs.  You know your colors, your birthday, you can count to 22, and you know how to spell your name.  Here are some things I want to remember about you at this precious age.

You always say thank you.  You thank me or Daddy for putting on your clothes, for letting you have an Oreo, for the littlest's so sweet. 

You love to play with Reese. You two usually play good together.  Sure the knock down, drag out fights do occur, but most days you all have creative imaginations that enable a day of fun.

If something is gross, you will say that's "bisgusting."  You also say "I'm "macon" (naked) when you're getting into the bath.  

You still come down and get in bed with us in the middle of the night. You love to snuggle. 

Your favorite things to eat are cinnamon rolls (but really you just lick the icing off the tops), Chick-fil-A grilled nuggets with 382,497 Polynesian sauces, strawberries, oranges, fruit snacks, PB & J, and Mac n cheese.  You don't like to try new things very often.  I hope this changes, because I feel like you're missing out on half the foods we put in front of you.

When you get excited about something, you stutter and have a hard time getting your words out. It's so cute.  (Obviously this isn't an issue when you talk, or else we would be seeing a speech therapist.)

You are definitely a movie buff!  You could watch movie after movie for hours.  We have to limit how much T.V. you watch because you would sit in front of it all day if we let you. 

My sweet and precious boy.  You are growing before my eyes every day and I want so badly to keep you little.  Perhaps it's because I know you will be my last baby, or maybe it's just because I never want you to grow up.  You are so sweet and lovable.  I don't ever want you to outgrow the snuggles you give us each night.  And I don't want to correct your mispronunciations because they melt my heart.  

However, I know that each day is a gift from the Lord above.  And each day that you are growing means another day I get to love you.  Your Daddy and I count you as one of our greatest blessings and will always be here to cheer you on.  Always remember to smile sweet boy!  Even with two crooked front teeth, that smile will change the world. Be kind. Stand up for yourself. Always remember to be a friend to everyone. And most importantly, let your love for Jesus shine.  He has made you a light in this world, and I pray every day that you shine bright. 

We love you more than you will ever know, Brooks Vaughn!!  Happy 4th Birthday, my love!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Brooks Vaughn Turns 4

OH...It's hard to type that! How is my baby four years old?  I'm having a hard time accepting this. 

Brooks Vaughn turned 4 on Monday, July 23.  We woke up first thing and let him open all his presents.  Mimi was keeping the kids at the house that day, so it was perfect.  It gave Brooks (and let's be honest, Reese thought it was pretty much her birthday too with all the new toys) all day to play. 

That night, he chose "Chick-A-Lay" as his restaurant of choice. 1) It has a playground and 2) B-man will literally drink their Polynesian sauce.  It's his favorite!  We ate with Mimi and Pawpaw (the rest of the Garner crew is vacationing in CO) and enjoyed cookie cake.  I think this sweet boy had a pretty fantastic day.