Over the last couple of days my heart has been so heavy for some friends going through something I cannot begin to imagine enduring myself. I know that I have so many blessings to be thankful for, however when I know someone who is going through such pain, it consumes my thoughts and I feel like I can't pray enough. My heart literally hurts to see people I care about going through so much. I know God has a plan that is far greater than any of ours (for each of us) but sometimes it is so hard to begin to see that plan with human eyes. I find myself always praying to God that I trust him, and I know he has a will, yet sometimes I have no problem voicing to Him that I don't understand it. I think he's okay with that.... God knows sometimes we won't understand, that's human nature, but as long as we continue to have faith that he will take care of us and continue to seek Him, he will guide us.
I just left AR Children's Hospital, visiting Patrick and Meredith Woodruff. Their baby boy, Miller, has SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) and has been given very little chance for a long and healthy life. I am amazed at the strength they both have and know that God has a great plan for this wonderful family. But that doesn't make any of this easier. I ask that each of you pray for the health of Baby Miller. God has worked miracles in so many people's lives and I believe that Miller can be one of those miracles. Please pray for Patrick and Meredith (and their families), that God will give them strength during this tough road ahead and that he will wrap his loving arms around them. I also pray for myself and other friends/family, so that we all can be the support system they need. God is good and Patrick and I just had a conversation about the fact that this world is not our home, there is a Heaven for all of us to go home to one day, with no pain, no sorrow, no disease, no hurt, just laughter and love and so many things far greater than we can imagine. This thought is what gives me comfort in a world full of uncertainties.