Sunday, August 29, 2010 FAVORITE time of year!!

Well, I know it's probably a little early to be talking about fall when we are still having temperatures of 85 and 90 degrees, but I can't help it.  When we left the house this morning for church it was 73 outside and it got me thinking of all the reasons I love this time of year.  I look forward to so many things!!

Mums are always on my front and back porch

I love seeing all the leaves change (especially when I am driving back to Rogers on 540, one of the most beautiful drives in the fall.)

Football!!  Matt and I love to wake up on Saturday and turn on game day while fixing breakfast with the windows open.  (unless of course we're tail-gating at the stadium:)

I love fall because this little munchkin turns 2 in October!!

Fall  means getting to spend a lot of time at my parent's house and riding four-wheelers on their land. We each have one and it's something we enjoy doing as a family.

CRAFT FAIRS!!  Kyndall, Carrie, Lindsay and I love this time of year!!  This is when my mom, all her sisters, my grandmother, and the girls get together for some shopping and fun!

I love fall because it means that Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  This was taken last Thanksgiving and I cherish every moment I get to spend with my family!  This year we will be with Matt's family and I am really excited to share in that experience!

I love Yankee Candles' fall scents.  Autumn Wreath, Harvest and Spiced Pumpkin fill up my house!

BOOTS!!!  Need I say more...

I love fall decor at my house, whether it's wreaths or pumpkins.

Fall also means we are one step closer to coats. (Coats are like an accessory to me:)  I bought this yesterday in camel. Love it!!

Now that I have finished this, I am super excited for the seasons to change.  However I am certain it may be a while before the temperatures start to drop. Oh well, guess we can all get a couple more wears out of our summer dresses :)

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