Saturday, September 29, 2012

Reese Meets Her Cousins

We came home from Baptist on Friday, September 14.  We took advantage of two nights in the hospital, so you can imagine our excitement in bringing our munchkin home.  My Mom, thankfully, stayed with us for 12 days and helped us in ways you can't imagine. (That will be another post in itself).  Landon and Brandi and their three precious kiddos drove down Saturday afternoon to meet our sweet baby girl.  * I just have to mention how much their trip meant to me...they made the 3 hour drive with a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 10 week old baby, only to be here for less than 24 hours.  I will never be able to express how much I appreciate them coming.  We had a great time Saturday night eating pizza and spending time together.  Mom fixed a big breakfast on Sunday morning and we all lounged around and enjoyed a leisurely morning.
  Dad's looking a little tired ;)

Sweet Baby Jack

Mimi playing with the BC and EG
Matt and Pawpaw with the babies

Mimi and Pawpaw with their 4 grandkids!!
 Matt was back at work the next week, so it was so nice to have Mom here to help me with Reese.  She did all the laundry, cooked up meals galore, took care of Reese so I could shower and nap every day.  It was such a life saver.  On Friday, September 21, Emily (Matt's sister), her husband Jack, and their 3 kiddos drove into town.  They spent the weekend in town and enjoyed loving on our sweet baby girl! 

Aunt Em and Reese

Olivia Kate loves her new cousin

Jack Henry

Uncle Jack

Family of almost 6 with Baby Reese
 Reese is so blessed to already have 6 cousins to play with and one more on the way (Emily is due in January!) 


Friday, September 21, 2012

Labor and Delivery

I am finally making some time to write about our labor and delivery experience.  It was a day to remember and goes down in the books as one of the best days of my life. 
We were to be at the hospital on Wednesday, September 12th at 5:00 a.m.  If you read my post about our night before, you would know that I was very anxious, but even more excited.  Little did I know that my contractions would start around 12:30 in the morning.  They were inconsistent, but began coming about 6-7 minutes apart by 4:00.  Needless to say, when we got to the hospital at 5:00, I was already feeling tired.  (After all, I hadn't slept in almost 24 hours).  I was trying to prepare myself for the long day ahead.
As soon as we checked in, they started my IV and then hooked me up to fluids and the pitocin drip by 6:15.  (One of my greatest fears was the IV - I don't do well with needles, but our nurse, Alicia, was amazing!)  I was dialated to a 2 before they hooked us up to the drip and for the next 4 and a half hours my contractions were increasing, but not unbearable. The staff at Baptist was amazing.  The CRNA came in and let me know I could have my epidural whenever I wanted.  They were so good to continually check in on us.  (They may have been giving us a little extra TLC because Matt knew half of them ;) 
Somewhere around 11:00 (I think I was only dialated to a 3), the contractions began to get much more intense.  I received my epidural (another thing that I was very apprehensive about and turned out to be much easier than I expected) and immediately began to feel the relief.  Unfortunately, after getting my epidural, my blood pressure started to drop and continued to drop.  I was very light headed and dizzy.  They gave me an extra bag of fluids to bring it back up and after a few minutes, it began to regulate.  Although the blood pressure episode was unexpected, all I have to say is thank the good Lord above for drugs!!  I have 3 friends who have recently delivered without the epidural and I must say that you all are ROCKSTARS in my eyes!  I truly can't imagine! 
After finally dialating to a 4 around 1:00, this is where I spent most of the afternoon.  Thankful for the epidural, I was able to visit with my parents, Matt's parents, and Kyndall for most of the day.  I dialated to a 5 around 4:00 and within the hour was at a 9.  We couldn't believe it!!  Dr. Phillips was called and I began pushing around 5:00.  As soon as I starting pushing, her heart rate started to drastically drop.  I was put on oxygen for the entire time I was pushing.  It was amazing what that oxygen did for Reese, her heart rate shot right back up.  I pushed for about 40 minutes and our little munchkin arrived at 5:43. 
There is something to be said for the actual 40 minutes of "labor" and then all of a sudden they place this gorgeous baby on my chest and I'm looking at her with tears in my eyes thinking I can't believe I have been growing her inside of me for the last 9 months and now here she is in my arms!!!!  We thank God for this little miracle every single day!!




 Proud Daddy!!

 Mimi and Reese

 Ami and Reese

 Poppy and Reese
Pawpaw and Reese

Aunt Bee and Uncle Blake

Matt and his Mini Me
We are so blessed!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Arrival of Our Angel

Aven Reese Fitzgerald made her debut into this world on Wednesday, September 12, at 5:43 p.m.  She weighed in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. (yes, EVERYONE was shocked) and she was 20 inches long.  I'm going to do another post on our delivery, but for now, here are some pictures of our sweet gift from God. 






Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twas' the Night Before Reese....

Well, it looks like the BIG DAY is tomorrow!!!  I honestly can't believe that in 24 hours we could be holding our sweet gift from God.  I am so anxious and nervous, and of course very excited!!  A little fun fact about me is that I have never been admitted to a hospital, I have never broken a bone, dang...  I have never even had stitches.  With that being said, you can imagine my uneasiness and apprehension right now.
But, with all of this fear of the unknown, comes a feeling of peace in knowing that God is in control and he is going to take care of us.  I have been praying a lot today that God would give me peace about tomorrow.  I mean who am I kidding...I know I'm not the first woman to ever give birth here. With my amazing husband by my side, our wonderful doctor, a great hospital, my mom and family being here, and an amazing Lord watching over us, I know we are going to be fine.
We have been so blessed to have numerous friends and family reaching out to us over the past few days, letting us know they are thinking of us and praying for us.  (Aunt Nancie, Aunt Vicki, Aunt Patti, Carrie, Connie Bennett, Tara, Clay and Katie, Papaw and Nana, and Liz, to just name a few).  It's comforting to know that so many people are praying for us and our sweet baby girl. 
*Side note:  Reese has the hiccups right now and I find myself stopping to take in this sweet moment.  It's something I won't feel again for a while :(  *
So back to the title of my blog post....  Our day/night before Reese....
We actually slept in until 8:00 (no more of that for years to come ;), enjoyed breakfast on the back porch, and while Matt was at work for a few hours (Epic training), I went to get a mani/pedi.  Gotta have those toes and nails looking good for labor!  :)  Afterwards, I found myself browsing Pier 1 and Hobby Lobby, just killing time.  Brandi, my sis-in-law, called me and I appreciate so much all the advice and encouragement she gave me.  She's pretty much a ROCKSTAR MOM, after doing this 3 times.  Talking to her was definitely what I needed this afternoon.  Matt and I are going out for an early dinner at Outback, and will be in bed before the sun goes down.  We will be up and at 'em around 3:30 since we need to be at the hospital by 5:00.
Please keep us in your prayers as we begin our journey of parenthood tomorrow!!  We pray daily that God will give us wisdom and patience and we thank him for entrusting this little life in our hands.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Nick and Nora's Wedding

Well, unfortunately we didn't get to be at Nick and Nora's wedding in Rogers this weekend.  However, I wanted to blog about it because they are such good friends of our family and I am so happy for this beautiful couple!!  (I actually "stole" some of these pics from Meredith Woodruff's blog...hope you don't mind Meredith ;))
Landon performed the ceremony (I think it says so much about him that Nick would ask him to do it.)  Brynlee and Emma Grace were the flower girls and Nick and Nora's sweet baby boy, Hudson, was the ringbearer.  Mom said it was a beautiful wedding and everyone had a wonderful time!!  Here are a few pictures that were being text to me throughout the night.  Again, I'm so bummed we couldn't be there but when you're 39.5 weeks pregnant I guess that's how it goes!! 
Two gorgeous flower girls ready to walk down the aisle

My brother and his BEAUTIFUL family

This makes me smile...they had Ipads down front by the altar to "entertain" the kiddos.  Emma Grace loves an Ipad!!


This cracks me up...these kiddos love to dance!!
Blake and Kyndall

Such a pretty, sweet, girl!

Matt and I wish you the absolute BEST, Nick and Nora!!!  Hope you guys are having a great time in the Bahamas!!!!  Soak up some sun for this gal! 


Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Favorites...

What am I loving this Friday!?!?
This ADORABLE onesie my fabulous Mom just picked up for Reese!!

These sweet little headbands that I ordered for baby girl!!
Sonic Happy Hour - Matt and I have been taking advantage of this lately!!
These delicious candles that my home can't get enough of!
DATE NIGHT(S) - we'll be going out quite a bit before Wednesday!!

This sweet couple is getting married tomorrow.  I don't think the Garner's and the Honea's know what life is like without each other.  They are family and I am SO sad we are missing Nick and Nora's big day!!  I know everything will be beautiful and we wish them the absolute BEST!!!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

39 Weeks!!!

Oh wow!!  Today's appointment was great and we are slowly winding down this pregnancy journey.  I am about 50% effaced and dialated to 1 cm.  She has dropped even more since last week and Dr. Phillips told us that if she doesn't make an appearance this weekend, he would induce us next Wednesday, September 12.  Hearing those words made this all SO VERY REAL!!  She is so low that he feels it won't be long once we get the contractions going.  (Blood pressure was 100/60.) 

Truthfully, as we were walking out I was having a mix of many emotions!  (A little we induce or just wait it out?  Excitement...we will be holding our baby in one week!!  Nervous and anxious...IV's, contractions, labor pains.  A little sadness...only 5 more days with just me and Matt.  A little more sadness...I'm going to miss her rolling around in my belly and all those little jabs and pokes.  Happiness...I can't believe she's almost here.)  I don't think I've ever felt this many different emotions at one time!!
After our appointment, we went to lunch at Jason's Deli and just sat there and stared at each other.  I think we're both in shock with the fact that she will be here in 6 days (or maybe less). I would ask that each of you join us in prayer that our sweet baby girl will be a beautiful, healthy, baby.  I pray that our delivery is safe and easy and all those traveling to be with us during this exciting time will get here safely as well.  Now for my last week of stats....

How Far Along: 39 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 21.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I am down to about 5 outfits that I can wear.  I think I will probably burn these maternity clothes when she arrives.  (Not really, but I don't want to see them again for a very long time!)

Stretchmarks: No

Sleep:  I am up at least 3x in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  This munchkin is right on my bladder so sleep isn't as great. 

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing that we are making progress...slowly!!  Also hearing the sound of her heartbeat @ 145 bpm today.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.  I haven't been eating a whole lot, there really isn't any room and I haven't been very hungry the past week.

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: Braxton-Hicks contractions all the time and more back pain and lower abdominal pains in the evening, but none of these contractions have been consistent.

Symptoms:  Shortness of breath (but I'm pretty sure it's anxiety), very slow to move anywhere as the lower pressure is unbelievable, and a tiny bit of swelling.

Belly Button In or Out: Actually, it's completely out now! :((

Wedding Ring On or Off: Off

Happy or Moody: Happy

Most looking forward to: Wednesday, September 12!!!  I hope Matt and I can enjoy our last weekend together and then welcome our sweet baby girl!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I Love September!!

Yes, I know we are still in triple digits here in Little Rock, but I am so excited that Fall is just around the corner.  I have been looking forward to September all year...yes, that's mostly because our little girl should be making her arrival any day now, but it's my favorite season!  In fact, I am thankful that God had a hand in the fact that our baby would be arriving during my favorite time of year!! 
Our long weekend was great!!  It was extra long because Matt was off for 5 days.  Unfortunately, because I am 38.5 weeks pregnant we didn't get to go anywhere, spend it on the lake with family, or drive up to NWA for the game.  However, we made the most of it!!  Friday night, we had a date night at Cantina Laredo.  Boy, I can't wait until I can have one of those delicious margaritas again soon ;)  Saturday, it rained off and on, but we spent the entire day lounging around here watching Game Day and FOOTBALL!!!  It was pure bliss!! 
Baby Jack excited to call those HOGS!!  (Thx for the pic, Brandi and Landon!)
Sunday, we made it to church and then went out for lunch.  (Of course, we fit a nice afternoon nap in as well.)  We started our holiday on Monday morning with breakfast at Panera Bread and then did some shopping.  Our housekeeper was cleaning, so we had about 3 hours to kill after breakfast.  We decided to go to a movie and we were going to see "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," but the theater didn't have air-conditioning. (???) We opted for "Hit and Run," with Bradley Cooper and Dax Shepard instead.  PLEASE wait for it to come out on video and save your $15.  We ended our night with a dinner of chicken bundles and played the board game LIFE.  I haven't played a board game in years!!  We had so much fun!!!
Matt is back at work today and I have a few things on the agenda. (A run to Hobby Lobby, a couple of children's boutiques, and an afternoon at the spa.)  Now that we are in September, I am ready for baby girl to make an appearance...I just CAN'T WAIT to meet her!!  One another note, Brynlee Claire started pre-school today and I can't believe this munchkin is almost 4 years old!! 
Go get 'em BC!!!
And of course, not to be outdone by her other siblings, here is Miss Emma Grace - this girl is such a HAM!!  I just love her!!!