Saturday, July 1, 2017

Vacation Bible School

There are so many reasons I love our church, but one of the things I appreciate and treasure most is VBS.  This is the first year that both of my kiddos have been old enough to go, and they loved every minute of it. Our theme this year was "Shine Like The Stars," Phillipians 2:14-16.  We talked about stars in the Bible, like David when he fights Goliath, and John the Baptist and Elijah.

The adults in our life group were in charge of the snacks for around 200 kids.  We had a great time serving together and putting our creative juices to good use. (yeah, right...I was just following directions. #notthatcreative) It warms my heart to see and hear all these sweet kiddos learning more about Jesus and the Bible. I pray that every day, these sweet ones of mine will let their lights shine. 

The Snack Pack :)

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